Improved search engine ranks, Optimisation of website pages
Search engine optimization (SEO) is an established process of improving how your web site interacts with search engines and thereby achieving improved search engine ranks through optimisation of website pages. The process involves many steps including research and selection of popular search terms (keywords), performing HTML code analysis, improving keyword density, enhancing content, enhancing page construction, testing, verification and submitting to search engines.
Step 1 - Identify Your Keywords Research for suitable, relevant and most commonly searched words and phrases to be used in your website. This increases your website chances of being found. The most commonly used tool to enable your research is WordTracker. WordTracker is an online research tool that most internet marketers used to research for popular and effective keywords for their web pages. Wordtracker helps you to test your website keywords by finding all keyword combinations that bear any relation to your business or service - many of which you might never have considered. You need related keywords to take advantage of other keywords that mean the same thing. You'll end up with increased website traffic. Once you have found all the words that relate to your business, you can check these words in its popularity database. Capitalize on mis-spellings. This is great for finding niches. No one on the Net really targets mis-spellings. Find the balance between the total number of competing web pages for each search engine, and popularity of the search term. Then go for the niches. Alternatively, you can use WebCEO or WebPosition Gold - both are optimiser sites on the internet that offers integrated website optimization service and performs optimisation of website pages to improve search engine ranks. Step 2 - Optimize Your Web Page Can you improve search engine ranks yourself or should you hire outside for a website optimization service? There are some considerations when making this decision and you will need to fully understand the concept and strategy of search engine optimisation of website pages. If your budget can afford a website optimization service company, hire one. Otherwise, be prepared to spend a few months just researching and learning before you even begin. And, be careful what you read - search engine requirements and methodology change by the day. Much of the information that exists may be outdated and you don't want to waste time backtracking. An important issue is that you need to be certain that the positions you obtain are correctly listed and positioned. If they are not, then it could sometimes take an act of God to get them changed. After a few months of learning about search engine optimization - you will still make mistakes. There will be a long period of trial and error that will cost you time and money - you must decide, based on the importance of your website, if it's worth doing it yourself. Here are three SEO tools which you can use to optimize and position your website. In no order of preference, they are Web CEO - Web CEO is a software package of ten tools that helps you improve search engine ranks, intelligently analyze your visitors, and easily maintain your online website. Web CEO has been proclaimed the best web promotion software for SEOs, webmasters, and e-marketers. It won the prestigious "Best Suite for Web" award at SoftRegatta 2003. Web CEO currently offers a free SEO training course which can subsequently lead to a SEO certification. Check it out and learn more about SEO today! WebPosition Gold - WebPosition Gold is the industry's leading Search Engine Optimization software solution. Fortune 500 companies and thousands of other organizations around the world use WebPosition Gold to perform optimisation of website pages to attract greater numbers of qualified visitors to their sites. Download your free copy today! InstantPosition - InstantPosition has a free SEO doctor which is quite easy to use to analyze the "fitness" of your web page. Sign up free to use the SEO doctor. In addition, here are some tips to optimize your website: 1. You should use keywords that are commonly searched by people on the Internet. There are a few popular tools used by SEO experts currently - Wordtracker, Overture, WebPosition Gold, WebCEO. WordTracker is now offering a free guide to doing keyword research so download your copy today! 2. Your title should contain some of your selected keywords and try to keep it between 8 - 10 words. 3. Your metatag "description" should contain your selected keywords in a meaningful short paragraph in 20-30 words. 4. Your metatag "keywords" could be more effective as phrases instead of single words, and not more than 10-12 phrases. 5. The first contents after your tag should contain as many of your keywords as possible, arranged in meaningful paragraphs. 6. Avoid full flash pages. Seach engines are unable to evaluate your keywords against your website content if your entire web page is a flash. Try to have at least one non-flash home page. 7. The more high-ranking websites there are linking to your website, the better chances are your website ranking. Step 3 - Submit to Search Engines & Directories Although there is a clear difference between having lots of increased website traffic and having lots of sales from your website, there would be a higher chance of getting sales with increased website traffic to your site. If this is the first time your website is ready to be submitted for indexing, your first task is to get lots of relevant traffic going through your website. Assuming that you have done your part in making your website content attractive and relevant to your target customers' needs, here are some steps you can take to get your website listed quickly: List Your Site with Yahoo! Sponsored Search and appear on the top of search results of leading sites like Yahoo!, MSN, AltaVista and CNN.com. Sign up and get a $25 credit. Adlandpro Free Classified Advertising and Promotion Adlandpro is a quality classified advertising website that has good design and content, as well as being able to send targeted traffic to your website. You can gain international exposure quickly with its services and be kept informed everytime someone visits your website. Check it out today! Submit Adpost spans 12 countries, with 26 categories in each country. With a database of over 200,000 members and more than 500,000 active classified ads, it is one of the largest on the Internet. Members comprise individuals, businesses, buyers, and sellers. Submit your Adpost ad today! Finally, if you are already using WebPosition Gold or WebCEO for web page optimization, you would also have noticed that you can use them to submit your web pages to search engines. Try it! Step 4 - Create Newsletters for your Customers Newsletters are a great way to keep in touch with your existing and potential customers. Experts have shown that it often takes 7 or more ad exposures before prospective customers actually make a purchase. With traditional sales processes if you don't sell your prospect with that first contact, then you don't make the sale. With unlimited autoresponders and unlimited follow ups, your prospects will automatically receive your marketing message the essential seven times or more over a period of days, weeks, and months when they request information from you. Good autoresponders will save you time, increase your conversion rate, maximize your marketing efforts, keep you organized, and increase your profits. Then, your account's unlimited newsletter features will keep you in constant contact with your customer base!
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