OVERVIEW With the advanced graphing functionality you will be quickly adding impressive and dynamic charting capabilities bringing your data alive !
The Graphing components provide both client ( applet ) and server side ( servlet ) solutions for the incorporation of graphs & charts into web / intranet pages and applications. Versatile components provide the ability for web authors and Java developers to easily build and publish dynamic and interactive graphs & charts.
These applets and servlets are designed to take multiple series of numerical data and display the information as either a 2D or 3D Graphs. The applets and servlets can acquire data from a variety of sources including,
- Files
- Databases
- Scripts and server Side processes (eg. Servlets, JSP, ASP, PHP, PERL)
- HTML parameters
Each chart contains many configurable features and functions. The documentation and examples are designed to give both a full understanding of every feature and enable you to implement both the applets and servlets quickly and easily.
Documentation Our graphing and charting objects come with comprehensive documentation which includes step by step guides to implementation. Whether you choose to use the applet or servlet you will find configuration both easy and quick. .
Examples The series of examples give an overview of the variety of implementations possible and represent a good base from which to quickly build your own implementations.
To browse the examples and documentation simply visit the individual product pages at the links below,